Avs studio download
Avs studio download

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Compared to the dialog that shows all templates, the compact dialog is much faster and lets you get the job done with fewer gestures. This animation demonstrates the speed of 17.5 compared to 17.4 when debugging an application with around 200 threads.ġ7.5 introduces a faster way to add files and folders to your solution! The “New Item” menu command (Or Ctrl+Shift+A shortcut) brings up a compact dialog where you provide the name and extension of the file you want to add, and a file with matching template will get added to your project. The performance of the threads window has been vastly improved in 17.5! The response time of the window now scales very well when debugging applications with large number of threads. These improvements would likely make debugging and troubleshooting issues more efficient. NET libraries on a call stack demonstrates that it is now possible to de-compile multiple modules in less time than it took to de-compile a single module in version 17.4. You’ll also find de-compiling large modules in 17.5 is up to 10 times faster! Decompiling. NET projects.įor further details and instructions on enabling/disabling Build Acceleration, please visit the link. Enabling Build Acceleration can reduce incremental build times by up to 80% for SDK-style. NET SDK style projects are an opt-in feature that directs Visual Studio to only build projects that had modifications while skipping projects that were unchanged.

avs studio download

NET SDK style projectsīuild Acceleration for. Download VS2022 17.5 Build Acceleration for.

Avs studio download